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Is this the best way to get rid of stretch marks?

When people suffer from stretch marks-be it men or women- they always try to look for the best way to get rid of stretch marks. This however is easier said than done because each of the method available has their own advantages and disadvantages. Having said that, prevention is always the surest way one can avoid getting the stretch marks. For those who already have stretch marks, there are some proven ways of getting rid of them effectively.

Home remedies

The best way to get rid of stretch marks is actually the ubest way to get rid of stretch marksse of home remedies. They are easily available at home and are inexpensive. Use of castor oil, olive oil, egg white among others will help get rid of stretch marks instead of going for the expensive alternatives like cosmetic surgery.

Creams and lotions

There are creams and lotions which are used for the treatment of stretch marks. A good example of such creams is Revitol stretch marks removal cream. It contains natural ingredients which actively help in diminishing the stretch marks on the skin. You will be required to apply the creams and lotions continuously for a while before you start seeing the results.


A well moisturized skin is one sure way of keeping stretch marks at bay. Look for moisturizers which contain hyaluronic acid as well as vitamin A.


When all else has failed, perhaps the best way to get rid of stretch marks is to have them surgically removed. There are cosmetic surgeons who specialize in the removal of stretch marks. This is a faster way of getting rid of them instead of waiting for them to fade gradually over time.

Avoid exposure to sun


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